Get the latest details

Send us this form to let us know you’re interested in receiving updates on the College Fair we’ll be hosting from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 10, in our Surfside location and on Tuesday, September 11, in our Mount Pleasant location. In both locations, school commitments to date include the College of Charleston, Savannah College of Art & Design, High Point, and Centre College; in Mount Pleasant, the list also includes the University of South Carolina.

As the date draws nearer, more schools may be added. Prior to the event, updates will include the final list of colleges—and who from each college—will be attending; topics they will cover; and how you can make the most of the event.

After all, we do this not only to help you get to know the colleges, but also to help the college recruiters get to know you. It’s all about giving our students a home team advantage.

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A Note About Your Privacy

It’s important to us that you know we do not sell or share your personal information to or with anyone. We use it simply to update you about the events we host—things like college fairs, college admission workshops, and the occasional open house. That’s it.